What the blazes is Bingo Gringo?
Here’s how BurritoVille Mex Food describes this fun activity:

Bountiful Burritos Bordering on Brilliant

Betcha can’t say that 10 times fast!
But seriously, just stop by BurritoVille in Larkspur, pick up a free Bingo Gringo card and you too can join the fun!
The rules are simple:

Fill out the card every time you buy a burrito.

  • Buy nine burritos, get one regular burrito free!
  • Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, BINGO GRINGO!
  • Not valid with any other offer or discount.

Buritoville Mex Food - Bingo Gringo Options - Check boxes and texts.